Gail is really pretty sweet .....when she is being good. When she is being bad....I threaten her with the sale ring.
I love her face.
Gail and Grace were born here. Gail's mother was also born here. Grace's mother came here from another outfit. She had produced her first calf but couldn't stay where she was. It seems that Limpy suffered a hip injury when she was just a wee little lass. She recovered with the help of some very dedicated people but has always been a bit crooked. When the rest of the cows were sold this cow couldn't go to the sale ring because she was a bit crippled. So, she came to live here. She always carries her calves on one side. Always. So she looks a bit lumpy on one side and concave on the other.
Limpy has been here for a long time and will not go back with a bull in the spring. She can hang out with the sheep until the bull goes back to the bull pasture. Of the whole bunch, Limpy is the best. She is the best mom. Some years she keeps her calf hidden for 2 weeks which makes ear tagging and banding a little more difficult. She isn't big, but raises a good calf. Her little one weaned at 600 pounds this year. I think her face shows the wisdom of her years. Limpy gets to stay here forever.
I'm not sure what happened here, but I swear that Grace isn't really this long. It's a weird camera thing. Camera goblins!