Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Gus Explains

Okay.  Here goes.  Remember when I was telling you how we have to be nice to the cats?  

And remember when I was telling you how we have to not eat the cat food?

 Well, there is this condition among K-9s that our Humans don't understand.  It's called Nose Drop.  What happens is, as you walk past an object, say, like a dish of cat food, your nose is pulled, forcefully into that object.  I mean, you can be almost past and THWANG!  Your nose falls into the object.  

There is another  more subtle form of Nose Drop.  It involves objects above your head.  Things like a dish of cat food.  As you wander casually past on your way to the water dish, or to see if you need to hoover up crumbs on the kitchen floor, THWERP! Your nose and front feet are yanked right up there.  

So, see, this is what happened.  I really did try hard not to get caught, but my Human did catch me, and this time she didn't even speak to me.  Just followed me out the front door, down the sidewalk to the front gate.  And then it got really ugly!  I swear, my Human grew to at least 6 feet tall and just as wide and made a HUGE noise, way worse than any bark, and snatched me up by my collar and pinched my lip and everything.  It was really awful!!

And even worse, I did it again.  Sheesh!

So, I was in way big trouble over that and we aren't even going to talk about sheeps tonight.  I was going to explain last night but the sky was making flashes and booms and my instincts tell me that it is very important to hide in hold down the bathtub during such events.

Perhaps tomorrow we will talk about sheeps.

Sorry Mom.
It's okay, Gus.  You're a good boy.  Sometimes it's just hard.
The Gus.


  1. Too funny.

    Love the first picture, so entwined hard to tell them apart. Gus really does love his kitty, guess he just wants kitty to share food since he is sharing his bed.

  2. Ah gus, we all have days like that..well, not really.

    Good luck on keeping your nose out of things!

  3. It's just not easy to be a good dog all the time. These things happen.

  4. AWWWWWWWWWWW! He is a cutie! And he does really try hard!


  5. NoseDrop! Of course. Ton has been trying and trying to explain it to me! Great post.. c

  6. Oh Gus... We know you really didn't mean to ;-).
