Friday, June 21, 2013

Bits And Pieces

This morning bloomed sort of grey.  Not good light for photos so I left the camera at home.  By this afternoon the sun had come out and The Gus and I went for ride/run.

Old homestead on the property west of me

It's still green here.  We have to enjoy every minute of it.  It won't last long.  

Last Saturday, when I moved cows,  the ladies decided to take a little break and ducked into this.  I left the guys on dry ground and The Gus and I went after them.  Piece of Cake!

The penstemon is blooming.  So are the Woods Roses and the red twig dogwood.

On a sheltered, north facing slope is this lovely patch of moss.

And up on the bench the cactus are blooming.
This high desert country is full of surprises.

The Gus has been in a bit of hot water today and is not allowed near the computer.  He'll be back next time.


  1. Cool Cactus pictures. Something I don't get to see in Michigan.

  2. So I'm guessing Gus will have a new rule for us next time he posts? ;-).

    Love the cactus!

  3. Poor Gus! After that lovely ride and then BAM trouble!

    With my Tess it is rabbits, rabbits, rabbits - it is all she thinks about.

  4. Sorry that above was from me.

