Miss Ginny,
the Bunny Sheep.
We had Easter Dinner (ham, not lamb) with family today.
I had a chance to speak with Barney.
Barney, a Rocky Mountain Horse, is a fine fellow. He will tell you as much.
We had a nice chat, and a good scritch, and he demonstrated his prehensile upper lip. I was truly impressed. There are no photos of the lip in action because all photos were taken with a fence between us. Barney would have tried to use his lip to take the camera. The "lip" is a precursor to the display, and use, of his teeth. Barney nips. Just to remind that he is worthy of all attention. I think Barney needs toys.
He has two girls but now he needs something else to occupy his remaining brain. (The extra "boy brain" was removed recently.)I'm thinking that a muzzle (glad I looked that up 'cuz I originally had spelled mussel and I don't think it would have made much sense to someone who can spell) would be a good "toy".
He really is a very fine fellow, if you pay attention to the teeth.
He will tell you so.
I'm thinking that I really like this dude!