Monday, April 8, 2013


Robins and Meadow Larks have been chirping and singing the past few mornings, when I first step out just before sunrise.  Not this morning.

Last night it rained.  Puddles worth of rain.  Then it snowed.

I'm glad I don't have naked sheeps yet!  They are too.

 Robert has started to shed and finds the cold wind just too much.  He grabs a mouth full of hay and scurries back into the shed.

These little guys aren't impressed at all.  But they are out of the wind, nestled down in the willows.

This is the newest one, born yesterday.  He/she thinks  the hay makes a good place to stay warm.

Tonight is supposed to be really cold.  If it clears, I wouldn't be surprised to see it near zero by morning.  Just hope the girls hold off on any more calves till after this storm goes away!


  1. Lord, I hope that isn't headed this way. At least you finally got some rain. Everybody is ready for some green grass.

  2. I just can't imagine the shock to the system of transitioning from a warm womb to a cold world! Poor baby!

  3. Little one in the hay has the right idea, find a nice spot out of the wind, food and nice bed.

  4. The moisture is nice...this nasty cold wind...not so nice. And the snow looks wet...WONDERFUL!!!

