Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sheep Swarm

I keep trying to get some good sheep photos.  I don't think this is the best way to get the job done.

Rosie was home for a short visit.  She always has to check things out, closely. 

Pink, you have a dirty nose.  

The rest of the gang likes to crowd around.

Checking out Mom's wheels.

Crowding around for attention.

Martha usually stands back a bit.  At least I could get a photo of her.

She'll show us her best side.

I've been watching the sky.  Weather service has been making noise about a storm.

That's what the sky had yesterday afternoon.  This morning we got almost a half an inch of snow.  By 2:00 this afternoon the wind was blowing dust.  It's a little dry.

I did find a tiny common yarrow just starting out of the ground.  Green.  Just in time for St. Patrick's Day!


  1. Great photos, sure is dry there ... no grass at all?

    1. There is a little green starting to show up in a few places, but if we don't get rain it will just turn to crisp. We haven't been able to get decent hay for months. Cows and sheep are on some pretty poor hay.

  2. Man, you are ever dry, dry, dry!!

